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ROADSTER! is a motoring magazine for kids aged between 8 and 12 (roughly KS2/3). It aims to educate, inspire and entertain kids in all things the road.


By kids... for kids! (with adult help!)


The project started life in autumn 2022, when eight year Sam wondered why there wasn't an automotive magazine aimed at kids like him who love cars. With adult help he decided to make his own!


Over 2023 ROADSTER! has evolved. Publishing three times a year (aligned to spring, summer and Christmas school holidays), the project will shortly be publishing its fifth issue, and has expanded into video and this website. ROADSTER! has featured in the national press (The Daily Mail - December 2023), on BBC Radio (BBC Oxford, October 2023), and it is now associate members of the Guild of Motoring Writers.

ROADSTER! is a not-for-profit social enterprise. A "connected learning" project which is interest-powered, production-centred, adult supported, built with shared purpose, academically oriented, and is openly networked. 


Sam (now ten-years-old) is the "Editor-in-Chief" on ROADSTER! with a team of children and a team of adults working on it.  


The project is open to other kids too! ROADSTER! kids get hands-on automotive adventures and experiences, then write about them.


ROADSTER! offers opportunities to try new things and be industrious. Technology enabled, Roadster! kids learn about making a magazine, literacy, formatting, using production software, photography, design, art, AI. Ask any child - having their work in print is extremely rewarding.


About Us

We are #kidswhoLOVEtheroad

ROADSTER! is a small car magazine project, aimed at kids from around the age of 8 who LOVE the road and everything on it!


9 Year Sam designed and edited ROADSTER! as he wanted to read an interesting magazine for kids which is all about cars and driving!

Kids spend a lot of time in cars ... ROADSTER! puts them in the driving seat!

Sam's father helps him put the magazine together and establish it online - but Sam calls the shots and makes all the final choices.


The magazine aims to approach cars, road safety, STEM, geography, history, literacy and a whole host of other things in each issue!

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