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DID YOU KNOW - Roadster! Magazine is built using only Google Slides!


We use Google Slides because it is free, easy and accessible to all... any child can have a go at writing for Roadster!


At Roadster! we offer children a chance to have a go themselves! Fancy being published? Why not send us something! We will support and work with you to shape your writing into something that works fits the magazine.


Even better? We'll send you a glossy magazine containing your work for FREE if we publish your work!


The more you do, the better it gets! We are working with more and more people to offer more and more opportunities for children to have fun working with Roadster! If we build a trusting relationship with you we'll keep you in mind for when the "write" opportunity comes along! 

Being a Motoring Writer


Working with the Guild of Motoring Writers, we published a guide to being a Motoring Writer in Issue 2 of Roadster!


Why not have a look at our tips and have a go yourself!

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