ROADSTER! now has an event stand, thanks to the kind support of Modex Exhibitions.
Organisers are seeing the mutual benefit of having Roadster! at their events. Our bright child friendly stand is aimed at socialising our project with as many #kidswhoLOVEtheroad as possible.
We offer children's activities including our "famous" FOUR CAR JUMP CHALLENGE (battery operated), colouring sheets and an opportunity for kids to bring their own die-cast cars along and include them in our very own Roadster! "car meet". Our selfie board provides kids with an opportunity to appear in a Roadster! magazine cover all of their own!
"Roadstig" is the newest addition to the Roadster! team. Our very own tame racing driver kid (note: genuinely a kid, and genuinely a racer!) will be attending occasional Roadster! events and may be available upon request.
We are keen for as many kids to engage with Roadster! as possible, even if they don't purchase. For this reason we have been partnering with event organisers to offer kids materials tailored specifically for the event (see our Prodrive Day leaflet for an example). As a not-for-profit, this partnering affords us the opportunity to attend events as a partner, keeping our costs low and enhancing the event's offer for children.
For further details please contact us.
Throughout 2024 we have partnered with the following events:
Banbury Car & Bike Meet
London - Brighton EV Rally
Bicester Scramble
UK Slot Car Festival
Motorsport UK Street Car Festival
Masters of Motoring
Prodrive Day - A Celebration in Banbury
Banbury Festival of Motoring